– 4:00PM (Pardeeville, WI) Brought to you by the PCCTS, Inc.
Chandler Park, Chandler Park Dr, Pardeeville, WI 53954
- Lot of cars
- Vendor booths
- Food and refreshements (brats, hot dogs, hamburgers, homemade pies, sweet corn, cookies, ice cream coffee, water and soda)
- Silent auction (located by the tennis court)
- Pardeeville Car Show t-shirts
- Admission free (donations accepted)
- Canned food and non-perishable donations (donated to the Grace Presbyterian Food Pantry)
- Tractor Show on Grounds
(Opposite side of cars in the park)
- Playground for kids
- Music provided by Captn Bob and Arlo from Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio
PCCTS, INC. is not responsible for any injuries, damages or accidents incurred to attendees or vehicles while at the show.
- Alcohol-Free Event for your whole family
- DoorPrizes throughout the day
- Fishing & Beach on grounds
- Children’sGames & Activities in the park
- Playgroundin the park
- Silent Auction
- Vendor Booths
- Picnic Tables available
- Remember your lawn chairs
- Security on grounds during show
- No Carry-Ins Please
- Bring your canopy for protection from the sun (some cars will be on the football field this year w/o trees)