Trophy Information
2. Best of Show Stock
3. Best of Show Modified
4. Best Engine
5. Best Paint
6. Best Interior
7. Participants Choice
8. Village President’s Choice
9. Missionary Choice
10. Greg’s Pick (Greg’s Speed Shop)
NOTE: 1 trophy per car with NO exceptions
A - Stock 1949 - Prior Years
B - Stock 1950 - 1959
C - Stock 1960 - 1963
D - Stock 1964 - 1966
E - Stock 1967 - 1968
F - Stock 1969 - 1970
G - Stock 1971 - 1979
H - Stock 1980 - 1994
I - Stock 1995 - 2007
J - Stock 2008 - Present
K - Modified 1949 - 1959
L - Modified 1960 - 1966
M - Modified 1967 - 1970
N - Modified 1971 - 1979
O - Modified 1980 - 1994
P - Modified 1995 - 2007
Q - Modified 2008 - Present
R - Street Rods 1900 - 1934
S - Street Rods 1935 - 1948
T - Stock Truck 1965 - Prior Years
U - Stock Truck 1966 - 1999
V - Stock Truck 2000 - Present
W - Modified Truck 1965 - Prior Years
X - Modified Truck 1966 - Present
Y - All Corvette Stock 1953 - 1982
Z - All Corvette Stock 1984 - Present
AA - All Corvettes Modified 1953 - Present
All registration fees for corvette classes
are donated to the cancer fund.
BB - Vipers, Sports Cars, Cobras, Factory 5, Exotics & Kit Cars
CC - Full Custom
DD - Survivor 1985 - Prior Years *See guidelines
EE - Rat Rods
FF - ProStreet
GG - Import Classic, 1989 - Prior Years
HH - Modified Import
II - Most Unique Import
JJ - Judges Cars, participant judging, vehicles located in judge car corral.
KK - Vintage, Historic/Nostalgic Race Cars (CROWD JUDGING on this class only:
Participants & spectators pick your favorite
race car! Ballots available at the canopy on
the football field.)
Registration Fees
Day of Show Registration
$10/Judged (1st 300 receive dash plaque)
$5/Show Only
$15/cars with “for sale” signs
Spectators Admission
Free-will donation
Vendor Spots Available
Additional Information
- Winner of Trophies must be present to receive their trophy immediately, or have a designated representative to collect it at the time of distribution, or forfeit the trophy.
- In order to get everyone in and parked quickly, there will be no reserved parking. If your club wants to park together, you must arrive together.
- All vehicles to be judged must be registered by 12:00 noon.
- Guidelines for Survivors: Eligibility for Survivors: Survivors must be classed in Exterior, Interior and Engine with 100% in 3 of the 3 classes.
PCCTS, INC. is not responsible for any injuries, damages or accidents incurred to attendees or vehicles while at the show.
Classifying Procedures:
Payment at entrance & classification at
registration. All classifications are final and
will not be changed. No Exceptions.